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Why do you need a dental photography? - DENTIPHOTO.COM
Dental photography

Why Do You Need a Dental Photography?

Visualization with the help of high-quality photos is an important tool for a complete diagnosis, drawing up a treatment plan and communication with the patient. If you have been wanting to master...

CameraCamera settings for dental photography and tips - DENTIPHOTO.COM

Camera Settings for Dental Photography and Tips

We recommend that you first set the following basic settings, which you can then adjust for yourself already in the process: Aperture - f8 for shooting the face, f13-16 - for lips and teeth, f...

Dental PhotographyDental Photography Blog

Why Dental Photography is Essential for Your Practice

Dental photography is vital for diagnostics, treatment planning, and patient communication. Learn how to choose the best equipment, including cameras, flashes, and lenses, to improve the quality of...